What Are The Signs of Oral Cancer?

Oral Cancer develops on the inside of a person’s mouth, including the inner part of the throat. Commonly called mouth cancer or oral cavity cancer, this condition can impact the tongue, lips, gums, and mouth. Pharyngeal cancer, also known as oropharyngeal cancer, is known as cancer of the throat or pharynx.

One of the most severe types of cancer of the head and neck is oral cancer. In the US, an estimated 54,000 people will receive an oral cancer diagnosis every year. Understanding the symptoms, along with other risk factors, is vital since oral cancer is curable, especially if caught early. 

In Breckenridge, as in many other places, oral cancer treatment typically involves collaboration between various healthcare professionals, including dentists, oncologists, surgeons, and other specialists. The relaxation dental specialties Breckenridge play a critical role in both the prevention and management of oral cancer.

Apparent signs of oral cancer

According to the size of the tumor and the severity of the disease’s spread, oral cavity cancer is categorized into several stages. They are classified as follows and have ratings I–IV:

  • Stage I: There is no indication of cancerous growth elsewhere, and the size of the oral tumor is 2 cm or less.
  • Stage II: There is a 2–4 cm tumor in the mouth, and there is no sign of the disease spreading to other parts of the body.
  • Stage III: The cancer may have progressed to the lymph nodes, although not to other areas of the body, and the tumor is bigger than 4 cm (about 2 inches).

Types of oral cancer

The oral cavity is the main place of onset for several subtypes of mouth cancer. There are various kinds of oral cancer.

  • Gum cancer: Commonly confused with gingivitis, gum cancer may lead to bleeding, cracked gums, and tiny ulcers on the lining of the gums.
  • Lip cancer: The most common form of mouth cancer, lip cancer, typically occurs on the lower lip.
  • Tongue cancer: Squamous cells can grow on the tongue’s surface, leading to tongue cancer.
  • Hard palate cancer: It occurs on the mouth roof.
  • Under the tongue: The mouth floor is affected.
  • Inner cheek cancer: Also referred to as buccal mucosa cancer, it occurs on the inside of the cheek.

Signs of oral cancer include:

  • Internal mouth sores that bleed easily and do not go away until two weeks
  • Spots on the inner surface of the mouth that are usually reddish or white or a mixture of both colors
  • Swelling of the mouth region, including the tongue, cheeks, lips, and gums
  • Unexplained bleeding in the oral cavity or the surrounding area
  • Rough or crusty patches on your lips, gums, or within your mouth
  • Constant ear pain
  • Trouble chewing or swallowing
  • Difficulty speaking or moving your mouth or tongue
  • Ongoing pain or numbness in the neck, mouth, or face
  • Unexpected decrease in weight
  • Any chronic sore throat, hoarseness, or other speech abnormalities