Pest Control: 4 Ways To Deal With This Problem 4

One of the biggest challenges for the farmer is undoubtedly the control of pests in his plantations. In addition to causing a significant loss in the volume of production – in some cases, the complete loss of the crop – the appearance of pests ends up representing extra costs and interfering in the product quality, reducing the competitive potential, especially of the small and medium farmer. In these cases, the only solution is to adopt measures to control and prevent the appearance of the various pests that can affect the crop which can be done by experts like See in this post five ways to deal with the problem.

1 – Care In Plantation Management To Prevent The Emergence Of Pests

The first and most efficient way to deal with crop pests is by adopting a series of preventive care during plantation management. So, avoid planting in the same areas where there have been attacks before you do a thorough soil treatment before planting. The use of seedlings and seeds that are sick or that have come from plantations already attacked by pests is also not recommended.

About care at the Jobsite, keep a clean and cleared space between the rows of plants and avoid points with potential for waterlogging. After all, excess moisture favors the appearance of various types of pests. For the same reason, it is recommended to plant vegetables in beds that are at least a foot high so that the water can flow out efficiently. Sanitary defoliation – constant removal of diseased parts of plants – is another management precaution for this control.

2 – Strengthening Of Plants For Pest Control

Stronger plants are naturally more resistant to pests. Thus, in addition to care in handling, it is necessary to nourish each type of culture adequately. The use of irrigation systems and fertilization is essential to ensure adequate nutrition.

3 – Insecticides, Pesticides, And Repellents

Even though you stipulate a routine of management and prevention care, some pests can persist in attacking the crop. In these cases, the use of insecticides, pesticides, and repellents will be indispensable.

An option in addition to chemical insecticides is homemade, such as rue mixtures, milk, and wheat flour; smoke syrup and soap (ideal for combating aphids, caterpillars, mites, and mealybugs), for example. With the support of a sprayer, these mixtures can be easily applied in the plantations and guarantee satisfactory results. In cases of resistant pests with a high degree of the infestation, such as whiteflies, spraying industrialized insecticides may be the only option.

4 – Traps In Pest Control

Another way to control common plantation pests is through homemade traps installed close to the crops. Place a lantern over a basin of water (or burnt oil) to attract the insects by the light away from the plantation.

For example, to fight slugs and threadworms just spread wet bags or tarpaulins under the plantation corridors at the end of the day. They will naturally be attracted under these sites and must be removed in the morning. The use of live barriers is also an efficient way to ward off pests. You can plant rows of corn around the plantation or even sesame, ideal for preventing the spread of leaf-cutting ants. When these method don’t seem to work, invite an expert like guardian home pest control to help you.