How Animal Control Services Keep Your Home Safe from Wildlife

Wildlife infestations can cause extensive damage to homes and pose health risks to residents. Whether you’re dealing with squirrels, raccoons, or bats, animal control services provide the most effective and humane solutions for removing wildlife and keeping your home safe.

1. Why Wildlife Control is Necessary

Wild animals, such as raccoons, squirrels, and bats, often invade homes in search of food and shelter. Once inside, they can cause significant damage by chewing through electrical wiring, tearing insulation, and contaminating areas with droppings. In addition to property damage, wildlife can spread diseases like rabies and histoplasmosis.

Hiring professional wildlife control services like Capital Wildlife animal control ensures that the animals are removed safely and humanely, protecting both your home and your family’s health.

2. Humane Animal Removal Methods

Professional animal control services focus on humane removal techniques. Live traps are used to capture the animals without causing harm, and they are then relocated to a more suitable environment. These services ensure that the animals are treated ethically while also protecting your home from further damage.

After removing the animals, professionals will inspect your property to identify and seal potential entry points, such as chimneys, vents, and gaps in the roof.

3. Long-Term Prevention Strategies

One of the most important aspects of animal control is preventing future infestations. Professionals will assess your home and implement measures to keep wildlife out. This may include installing chimney caps, covering vents with mesh, and sealing cracks or gaps in the exterior of your home.

Capital Wildlife animal control offers comprehensive prevention services that help ensure your home remains wildlife-free.


Animal control services are essential for keeping your home safe from wildlife infestations. Capital Wildlife animal control provides humane and effective removal solutions, along with long-term prevention strategies to protect your property from future wildlife invasions.